The Board of Education, working together with the staff, developed a model for student success. These are goals we are striving to attain as we train minds, shape hearts, and transform lives to engage the world with Christ. They include:
Biblical Worldview Development
- Understand the worth of every human being as created in the image of God and treat people with respect, dignity, grace and truth.
- Understand that work has dignity as an expression of the nature of God, and that any work done as unto the Lord is an act of worship.
- Understand that all thoughts and choices have consequences, some positive, some negative.
- Have developed a hunger for God and His Word.
Academic Intellectual Development
- Are well prepared in all academic disciplines.
- Are skilled in reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking.
- Are proficient in mathematics, science and problem solving.
- Have knowledge and understanding of people, events and movements in history and the cultures of other people and places.
- Appreciate the literature and the arts and understand how they express and shape their beliefs and values.
- Have a critical appreciation of languages and cultures of other people.
Skills Development
- Have the ability and desire to investigate and find information and answers to questions on their own.
- Know how to utilize resources including technology to find, analyze and evaluate information.
- Respect and relate appropriately with integrity to the people with whom they work, play and live, as demonstrated by how each treats others.
- Have the ability to present ideas and research in visual and/or auditory format with clarity and quality.
- Treat their bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit through decisions about nutrition, fitness and lifestyle.